Digital Fitness World

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Digital Fitness World

Health ITHealth IT (HIT) is health technology. Specifically, information technology is applied to health care and care. It supports health information management through computerized systems and the secure health information exchange between consumers, providers, payers, and quality monitors.

Based on a 2008 report of a small series of studies conducted at four sites that provide outpatient care (three US medical centers and one in the Netherlands), the use of electronic health records (EHRs, for its acronym in English) as the most promising tool to improve the overall quality, safety, and efficiency of the health care system

Benefits of Health IT

Interoperable HIT will improve individual patient care but will also bring many benefits to public health, including:
• Early detection of infectious disease outbreaks across the country
• Improved tracking of chronic disease management
• Value-based healthcare valuation is enabled by collecting de-identified price and quality information that can be compared
• Improve drug safety
• Tracking and reporting health issues
• Promotion of quality of care through optimized access and compliance with guidelines

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